According to Wikipedia, another form of shell game is:

Three-card monte – also known as find the lady and three-card trick – is a confidence game in which the victims, or “marks”, are tricked into betting a sum of money on the assumption that they can find the “money card” among three face-down playing cards. It is very similar to the shell game except that cards are used instead of shells. In its full form, three-card monte is an example of a classic “short con” in which a shill pretends to conspire with the mark to cheat the dealer, while in fact doing the reverse. The mark has no chance whatsoever of winning, at any point in the game. In fact, anyone who is observed winning anything in the game can be presumed to be a shill.

In the US Election shell game, the election itself is the three-card monte. Instead of finding the queen, you are finding a President. We, the American people, the voters – are the mark. The campaigns and the political system are the dealer. The media, the so-called experts, and everyone else are the unintended shill. The stakes are the taxpayers’ money, the treasury. It is as simple as that – and to date, this shell game has cost each and every American over $103,000. This is a fact and the only fact that matters.
The only winners in the shell game are the dealer and perhaps some of the shill. The mark doesn’t stand a chance of winning. The best the mark can expect is to NOT lose. And the only way to do that is not to get involved in the game in the first place. Unfortunately, in the US Election shell game, that is not an option. It is not a game you cannot play; even if you abstain, you are still in it. In this election, the best we can do is to lose the least. This unfortunately depends on the times. Sometimes you lose more with the Republicans, and other times with the Democrats. The last President to balance the budget, or even come close, was Bill Clinton. Among all others, the debt has been skyrocketing, more so during Republican tenures than during Democratic ones.
The only SOLUTION for future generations to survive and get ahead is to change the game. That is a discussion for another time. At this time, suffice it to recognize the problem. The REAL Problem!
While the world sees what it is MEANT to see, through the LifeBahn lens, we see what we NEED to see. Just another shell game.
Not everyone understands the shell game. So, perhaps an explanation of what a shell game is will be very helpful in putting the rest of this post in context.
The LifeBahn Perspective
AutoBahn is a road for cars in German, and LifeBahn is the path to prosperity for people. Through the LifeBahn lens, we see only human beings. We are blind to socialism, capitalism, sexism, racism, or any other -ism, except humanism.
while competition is a good way to succeed for a FEW, collaboration is a BETTER way to succeed for MANY.
The US election and its shell game are a clear example of why we need collaboration over competition. In the midst of all the political maneuvering, it’s the American people who lose. But through collaboration, we can change the game. LifeBahn is committed to teaching the lessons of collaboration, where everyone prospers together.
Let’s join LifeBahn and see if we can collaborate and come up with a sustainable solution.