In the last post, “Bangladesh Crisis – A Great Opportunity in This Adversity!”, I cautioned you:
“Your key to success, therefore, lies with General Waqar-uz-Zaman, the army chief who has promised justice and fairness. He has promised to form a government and agreed not to involve the outgoing regime in this selection process. However, the outgoing regime is not your only enemy. You must make an alliance with the general before ‘they’ get to him, to ensure that one outgoing corrupt government is not replaced with another corrupt government, which…”

The latest news that Mr. Yunus will be the new leader might seem welcome, and one might think that you, the student leaders, have made this choice. While the optimist in me hopes that this is the case, the cynic in me raises red flag after red flag.
Hidden within this news, there still remains a window of great opportunity, though it is shrinking fast, and you must seize it. At the very least, plant the seeds so that future generations may benefit from it. You must insist on and secure some guarantees that:
You, the students who organized and led this revolution, still have a small, though shrinking, opportunity to bring about real, meaningful change without shedding any more blood or spending a penny. Seize it immediately, and ensure that:
- There will be total and unconditional freedom of speech and the ability to criticize and question authority at every level, holding them accountable. If you encounter the slightest resistance, which you will, you will know that you have won nothing. But at least you will gain some insight into the puppeteer and the real enemy.
- You must maintain and grow this student union, which seemingly had the power to bring about this change. It should have access and the ability to monitor how the country is governed.

With this, you can not only help your own people but also be a savior to many other oppressed people.
Do not be fooled into thinking that you have achieved your goals; most likely, you have been played, as many revolutionaries before you have been. No doubt you will get a few concessions to stop your momentum, but you will never be allowed to keep it. This situation contains many clues about what you must do and many red flags. Two of the actions you must take are outlined above. The red flag is in the caption – ‘Yunus calls for law and order.’ That is code for taking away your power to act. Your real challenge is to avoid following in their footsteps.
If you want to test this theory, unite under #BangladeshOurSaviour on social media. Ask difficult questions and speak freely about any topic; I doubt it will take long before you are shut down, under some pretense or another, most likely religion.
Religion, patriotism, tradition, culture, and heritage are some of the most common weapons of oppression.
Meanwhile, let me tell you the real saga of this revolution. It didn’t start this year or last year; it started well before most of you were even born. I will tell you this saga from the beginning, at least from when I know—it perhaps goes back even further. We will start a new thread, “Bangladesh-2024-Saga,” and update it periodically.
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