Last Sunday, in session #3 of ‘A lifetime of education in 52 weeks’ we discussed:
- Wealth Management – Specifically interest rates and how to grow your wealth.
- We shared the ‘secret to success’ – the LIFE PROCESS for better understanding life itself.
- Learnt golden lesson # 3 – ‘KISS -Keep it Simple S….”
This is an old lesson but applied to the current times -Specifically as it relates to the US political shell game
And the more we discuss and understand this the better we will be in a position to make SMART decisions. Due to its importance it will be a main focus of LifeBahn blog.

Next week about Wealth Management we will discuss ‘How to get money”. You can’t lose or grow money, if you don’t have any to begin with.
We will also try to understand the US national debt, specifically our growing individual debt and how it affects our daily lives and even more importantly our children’s future.
In Fact that’s what LifeBahn is all about. Making a better life for our families and our future generations. continuum, helping to make a better life for our families and our future generations.
Our path to Prosperity.
Autobahn — Road for Automobiles.
LifeBahn —- Road for life.
Built on the simple principle.
While competition is a good way to succeed for a FEW,
collaboration is a BETTER way to succeed for MANY., or
Thank you!