In our post “How stupid do you think we are” we noted how the American people have been played by the politicians, especially Trump’s Republican party. And we said
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
We will count the ways in which thou has tried to fool me, Learn from it and be fooled no more!!!
And what we learn is that not only our own politicians are playing us, but many foreign leaders also play us regularly. Usually, it is just a matter of money, but this is doing the US so much more damage than one can imagine;
The face of the greatest threat to Israel & US !!!

Not to mention, most directly, to the Palestinians. All because of his thirst for power. Some kind of a delusional notion that the desperate hungry and poor Palestinians are a threat to him and Israel who has the blind and unlimited support of the mighty US. Perhaps, the caption should say the face of evil.
This evil man has been crying wolf much too often. Forever asking to be defended against a mythical enemy, while the time expanding territory with illegal settlers using the American arms given for defense to grab more and more territory., First in 1967 after the supposed war, shame on the Arabs for that one, and then slowly chipping away and expanding, then with the help of Trump taking over Jerusalem and all the time ignoring international laws which gave them the Palestinian land in the first place from the poor Palestinians. He has been butchering poor Palestinians for the past couple of months in the name of saving Hamas. He calls them terrorists when he is even worse and he is doing it for his personal gain, just like his bully buddy Trump. That hypocrisy is the ultimate evil. Then he has the audacity to come and demand that we give him even more arms! Some Chutzpah!!
Of course, we have our own, hypocritical, politicians to blame, who hosted him and let him speak in the congress and the senate. No doubt if it was in their interest they would let Hitler also address the joint session.
Can they sink any lower? But we cannot blame them, we elected them. Perhaps we have finally learned.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
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