In our post “How stupid do you think we are” we noted how the American people have been played by the politicians, especially Trump’s Republican party. And we concluded that over 30,000 lies over the 4 years, Trump has fooled us in so many ways. And we acknowledged
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
The American people are getting fed up with these shenanigans and in the face of real problems that hurt them and their families, they are now paying attention and getting educated and finding out that you and Trump, the players, are in part, if not the whole, responsible for the problem. Yes, we are getting GREAT and real education, about the facts of life, and about getting played.
So we will be fooled no more and as painful as it might be, we will look at the different ways we were played not just by Trump but by many other politicians and others in whom we had put our trust, only to be betrayed again and again.
Let US count the ways in which thou has tried to fool me !!!!…..
Count # 1:
Here are some facts;
The report noted there were 1,476,457 excess deaths in the U.S. from 2020 to 2022 during the height of the pandemic.
Another report shows that 573 people became new billionaires during the pandemic, at the rate of one every 30 hours. We expect this year that 263 million more people will crash into extreme poverty, at a rate of a million people every 33 hours.

YeP! You fooled us all right!!! While people were dying and suffering, you and “your merry men” were ut there raking it $$$$ in hand over fist. If that is your definition of GREAT America, we DONOT want it.
Of course as usual, you will deny it and blame everyone but yourself. That is typical BULLY behavior.
Now I know something about this situation as I was diagnosed with covid in Nov 2020, during the very early part of Covid. One of the most traumatic times for not just the American people but people all across the globe, Trump’s administration were out there during that time claiming success after success in dealing with pandemic, blaming it on the chines, to deflect attention and taking credit for creating the vaccine, while the real need was for a cure as people were dying right left and center, and your witch doctors were touting stupid cures like bleach etc. in the early stages when majority of the deaths were occurring.
Fortunately for me, I was in Moscow, yes Russia, as a US embassy employee and ended up in the only Russian hospital equipped to deal with covid. I was told that there are only two ways out of the hospital, in a bag or testing negative. To cut to the chase, the focus of the Dr.s in that hospital was to find a way to save the patients. And in my case while exploring all sorts of cures, including plasma, the most promising of the possible cures, they realized that actually it was my own immune system which was attacking my lungs because it could not differentiate between the good guys and the bad guys. So they decided to slow down my immune system and within 3 days I was fine and the next day tested negative and left. I wonder what would happen if I were here in the US. Now that is just one example of mishandling of the Covid crisis, at least as far as the general public is concerned in terms of lives lost and the economic damage.
There is another old saying ; you can fool some of the people all the time, those are the ones Erasmus was talking about, you can even fool all the people some of the time; buy you cannot fool all the people all the time.
The only thing you may be remotely right about is that the SWAMP needs cleaning; as you are the swamp.
There has to be a better way ! there is, and it is quite simple actually! Ignore you!.Bullies hate nothing more than being ignored! But you knew that. Except that now we are wise to it also.
Count # 2 next post.
Meanwhile, the American people are now paying attention and getting educated and finding out that you are in part, if not the whole, responsible for the problem. Yes we are getting GREAT and real education, about the facts of life !!
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