Following months of protests by students against the government and the sacrifice of many innocent lives, Sheikh Hasina finally fled the country, the government toppled, and the army took control. This is undoubtedly a victory for the students, who sacrificed at least 300 of their own to achieve this small victory in the ongoing war against a regime of corruption and oppression. This is not just your victory but the victory of all those oppressed throughout the world.
But let’s not celebrate just yet.

Hidden within every adversity, there is a great opportunity, and this adversity is no exception. You, the students who organized and led this revolution, have a unique opportunity to bring about real, meaningful change without shedding any more blood or spending a penny. You can not only help your own people but also be a savior to many other oppressed people.
This, however, requires a different approach than all other revolutions. It requires a different strategy and a change of mindset, one of the hardest things for people to do. However, you need a catalyst and resources to help you succeed.
Your key to success, therefore, lies with General Waqar-uz-Zaman, the army chief who has promised justice and fairness. He has promised to form a government and agreed not to involve the outgoing regime in this selection process. However, the outgoing regime is not your only enemy. You have to make an alliance with the general before ‘they’ get to him, to ensure that one outgoing corrupt government is not replaced with another corrupt government, which is what happens in most revolutions, with perhaps the notable exception of the American Revolution.

The army is just a catalyst; you have to be the solution. To do that, you need to understand the nature of revolutions and the causes of their ineffectiveness. But you cannot do this alone. If you are going to be the savior of others, then you need their help.
We have to do this together, step by step, and with full transparency. We don’t have to spill a drop of blood or spend a penny; all we have to do is unite behind a single objective:
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Thank you!
Good luck to us all.